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The Open Philanthropy Project has granted us US$500,000 to help create better lives for millions of pigs. We’ll...
Countries that keep captive bears for traditional medicine must follow this positive example to end the captive breeding...
Thanks to your support, YHA Australia - Australia’s largest provider of budget travel accommodation - has worked with...
We know boats fishing illegally often lose or dump nets and other equipment – and it’s killing sea...
The saying that ‘an elephant never forgets’ is one backed by considerable science. Sadly, for many elephants held...
We’re microchipping more bears in Vietnam, which will help end the awful practice of extracting bear bile for...
With your support, we were able to protect dogs in communities from rabies, save animals in disasters, improve...
We’ve successfully lobbied the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) to protect marine animals by tagging fishing nets....
Last weekend, the team from World Animal Protection Australia attended the Cruelty Free Festival in Sydney.