Wild elephant in Udawalawa National Park Sri Lanka

Animals in the wild

At least 1.6 trillion wild animals are exploited as commodities and suffer through people's actions every year.

Young tiger chained for tourist attractions

Animals, not entertainers


Across the globe, animals at wildlife tourism venues are forced to endure intense pain and mostly unseen suffering to entertain tourists and visitors on a daily basis.

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Elephant used for riding at Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Elephant rides

Today, more than 3,000 elephants are being used and abused to entertain tourists and visitors across Asia.

koala at a themed park in Australia

Animal selfies

It may be tempting to take a photo with an animal. But that moment could cost them a lifetime of suffering.


Animal shows

Around 550,000 wild animals are undergoing intense trauma in the name of tourist entertainment worldwide.

A lion looks through a fence at a facility in South Africa.

Animals in sport

Using animals in sports often involves causing intentional harm and inflicting violence on these sentient beings.

Orangutan selfies in Bali

Wildlife tourism

If a venue that houses wildlife allows you to ride, hug, cuddle or take a selfie with a wild animal, cruelty is surely involved.

Otter cafe in Tokyo

Wildlife trade


Global wildlife trade is an inhumane industry that cruelly exploits our planet’s wildlife for financial gain.

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Fox at a fur farm

Wildlife free fashion

Right now, millions of wild animals are being captured, abused, bred, and mercilessly slaughtered so that the fashion industry can maximise their profit.

A pet African Grey Parrot

Exotic pets

Every year, millions of wild animals are captured to become pets of people who are unable to properly care for them.

Bear bile farm, Vietnam

Traditional medicine

Every year, thousands of animals are bred in captivity or snatched from the wild to fuel the traditional medicine market.

Stopping the suffering of wild animals by:

  • Reducing demand for cruel commercial exploitation of wildlife for entertainment, in fashion, for traditional medicine and as exotic pets. 
  • Demonstrating humane, sustainable alternative solutions are possible to protect wild animals and their habitats 
  • Moving governments and global bodies to implement new laws and policies that are properly enforced so that wildlife and their habitats are legally protected. 
Elephants in water watched by World Animal Protection staff
Wild dolphins in Algoa Bay, South Africa

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