hero image - staff with AU chickens sanctuary 2

Press centre

Image credit: World Animal Protection / Rachel Ceretto

Our global media and communications team will help you find the information you need.

Media contacts worldwide

To speak to a member of our team or to arrange an interview with one of our campaign experts, please contact the media person in your region.

Fran Kearey

Fran Kearey

Head of Marketing Communications - Australia Aotearoa New Zealand

fkearey@worldanimalprotection.org.au +61 2 9902 8054

Hannah Clayton, Communications Manager

Hannah Clayton

Communications Manager - Australia Aotearoa New Zealand

hclayton@worldanimalprotection.org.au or +61 (0)434 269 048

Media requests

For more than 75 years, World Animal Protection has been moving the world to protect animals.

Our vision is a world where animals live free from cruelty and suffering.

Across 12 country offices, we work in more than 50 countries, to help governments, companies and people care for animals in need.

World Animal Protection has consultative status at the United Nations and Council of Europe.

The media and communications team is here to respond to all media enquiries and can arrange comment and interviews with our campaign and policy experts, related to all animal protection issues. These are:

  • Animals in farming – including animal welfare on farms for pigs and meat chickens, live exports, our resources for government official.
  • Animals in the wild – including our Wildlife used in entertainment, as exotic pets, in fashion and for traditional medicine.

Our latest news

Hero staff moo to ewe cow

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