Xama the jaguar

Young jaguar Xamã finds his roar in sanctuary home in Brazil


Thanks to you, jaguar Xamã is growing big and strong in his sanctuary in Brazil after you helped rescue him from devastating forest fires. Check out the latest footage from his rainforest home!

Image credit: Onçafari Rewild

Xamã the jaguar is all grown up - and making plenty of noise! Exciting new footage from his leafy home at the Onçafari Project jaguar sanctuary shows him roaring for the very first time, a huge milestone in his journey back to the wild.

Xamã found his voice with help from his friend Poraquê, a wild jaguar who lives in the forest next to the jaguar sanctuary. Our partners at Onçafari were delighted to see Poraquê helping Xamã, as he never got a chance to learn these vital skills from his mother.

Xamã was just a cub when he lost his mum to human-made forest fires in Brazil, deliberately lit to clear land for beef cattle and crops for factory farms. But thanks to kind animal lovers like you, this little jaguar was rescued and taken to the lush rainforests of Onçafari where he could recover and grow into the mighty jaguar he is today.

Xamã will have a few more months in the jaguar sanctuary while he continues to learn, before he’s hopefully ready for release back into the wild later this year.

Thank you for giving Xamã a safe place to thrive as he prepares to be the first male jaguar reintroduced to the Amazon rainforest.

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