Protecting your pet from bushfires or floods
During summer, Australia is more prone to natural emergencies. But don’t you worry because this bushfire and flooding preparation checklist has got you and your pets covered.
While some people have a natural emergency survival plan in place, they don’t always include their pets. This can result in losing valuable time and making last minute decisions when a disaster occurs.
The bushfire season can be stressful, so it's important to plan, prepare and practice. Here are some simple but useful tips on how to plan, prepare and practice so you can ensure the safety of your furry friends.
Knowing the three P's will help protect your pet in a bushfire or a flood.
Step 1: Plan ahead to protect your pet
Bushfires can occur at any time, and without a plan you could make panicked decisions that threaten the safety of you, your family and your pet. It's vital to prepare a Pet Disaster Plan for your pet for your pet before a bushfire or risk potentially losing each other forever.
Be sure to investigate safe places to take your pet as some evacuation centres may not permit pets. Once you have your plan, communicate your plan with family or friends.
Step 2: Prepare a Disaster Survival kit
Emergency survival items:
- Food: store at least 5 days worth of non-perishable food.
- Water: store at least 7 days' worth of water for your pet.
- Medicine: store medicines and special dietary need in a waterproof container.
- Vet/medical records: store in a waterproof bag and ensure you have a photo of these on your phone.
- Blanket/bedding: familiar items can help relieve stress.
- Sanitation: include poo bags, litter trays or other useful items like old towels, newspapers or plastic bags.
- Lead/muzzle/harness: plus any other equipment needed to control your pet.
- a cage/carrier: large enough for your pet to stand and lie down.
- Collar with ID disc: clearly including your name and phone number.
- Microchip: ensure your pet if registered and microchipped and keep an electronic version on hand.
- Photographs: store a current photo of your pet on your phone and in a waterproof bag.
Step 3: Practice your plan
Ensure your pets are well-versed with your plan so they can move quickly during a natural emergency. Doing a practice run in the dark will help enable your pet to navigate better if disaster strikes during the night. It’s also vital to make your pets comfortable with travelling in their cages/carriers in the car so they don’t panic. This is an important step to help manage your pets effectively during a bushfire or flooding event as they can react differently when under stress.
Place your Pet Survival Kit somewhere easy to reach in your home and make sure everyone knows where it is kept.
Being prepared for a natural emergency could save the lives of your pets, yourself and your family.
Australia has a tragic history with bushfires, and our fire season is starting earlier.
Plan ahead to protect your pet
Natural emergencies can occur at any time, and without a plan you could make panicked decisions that threaten the safety of your pet, yourself and your family.
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