How you've protected bears for 30 years
For 30 years you have worked, alongside partners to protect bears and end their suffering. Thank you
In 1992, you helped launched the ‘Libearty’ campaign, following our investigations across Asia that revealed the true extent of the exploitation and suffering of bears - setting us on a 30-year path dedicated to ending cruelty to bears.
In the same year, we came up with the concept of the bear sanctuary, the first of its kind in the world, a protected environment where bears could live close to nature and free from cruelty. This meant we now had a way to rescue exploited bears from captivity and safely rehome them.
With our partners around the world, you’ve since established and supported bear sanctuaries in Greece, Turkey, Hungary, Thailand, Pakistan, India, Romania and beyond.
You then exposed the misery of dancing bears in Greece and Turkey and started campaigning to end their abuse…and that was just the first year. Thanks to your support, bear dancing no longer happens in Greece, Turkey, India and Nepal!
In 1993, you unveiled the illegal blood sport of bear baiting and started an international campaign to move the Pakistan government to end it.
With our partners, Bioresource Research Centre, we tirelessly campaigned to end bear baiting. Starting an alternative livelihoods programme for bear owners and opening the Balkasar sanctuary. Because of you, we reported no bear baiting events took place in Pakistan in 2019.
Our investigations uncovered the horrors of the bear bile industry in Asia, revealing thousands of bears living in misery and pain for their gallbladder and bile, for use in Traditional Medicine. This started one of our most monumental challenges to date, a campaign you’re still supporting today, to end the suffering of bears in the bear bile industry.
In Vietnam, with long term partners Education for Nature Vietnam, you have supported the government to phase out keeping bears for their bile. Microchipping and monitoring has reduced the number of bears in Vietnam by over 90%.
This year you supported our biggest rescue to date, with nine bears moved to a sanctuary to live out their days closer to nature.
In South Korea, working with Green Korea United, you have rallied local people to support an end to bear bile farming and lobbied the government to take action for over 20 years. This year South Korea announced an end to bear bile farming!
In China, our work continues with stakeholders and traditional medicine doctors, practioners and consumers. We are building support for ending the use of bear bile, with more companies pledging to move towards alternatives, and navigating a way out of the industry. Changing the world for bears for 30 years
There are so many more great moments to mention, thank you for you generous support. Together, we are changing the lives of bears.
Together we are ending the cruelty and exploitation. Forever. So, bears can live wild and free as they should be.
There are so many more great moments to mention, thank you for you generous support. Together, we are changing the lives of bears.