Farm animals thriving following Argentinian floods

Farm animals thriving following Argentinian floods


Thanks to your support, the future is looking brighter for people in Argentina’s Entre Rios Province. Just three months after World Animal Protection stepped into help animals affected by devastating floods which destroyed fields and crops in April of this year.

“The situation is much better at this time, the river levels have returned to normal, but because the fields held so much water many are not properly productive just yet. However in some, grass is springing out in some of the fields,” says local vet Dr Laureano Bello who worked with us on the rescue mission.  

“Thankfully all the animals you helped us treat in the community are currently in good condition – with no animal deaths reported. All farmers helped are very grateful. They say your support was vital in keeping their animals alive and their way of making a living too.”

Thanks to your amazing generosity we were able to give more than 23,000 animals – including cattle, horses, pigs, sheep, poultry and dogs – lifesaving medications and emergency feed. Many were suffering from diseases caused by the receding floodwaters and were at risk of starvation with their distraught owners felt powerless to save them.


“Horses and cows were spending too long in the water looking for floating plants to feed and survive. They were getting infections in their legs and wounds caused by floating debris," explains Juan Carlos Murillo our disaster response manager.

“During June and July, before the onset of the Argentinian winter, we were able to help treat the animals and build their immunities so that the cold would not threaten their lives again.”

You can help us reach animals swiftly, with shelter, medication and expertise when disaster strikes. 

Bear at Libearty bear sanctuary, Romania

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Captive lion in South Africa

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