Empty the tanks protest

Empty the Tanks 2022: Dolphins need vitamin sea, not captivity


Dolphin defenders and animal groups joined together to mark the 10th annual #EmptyTheTanks global protest to highlight the suffering of dolphins kept captive for entertainment.

Image credit: Barbara Vali Photography

Thanks to your support, we raised our voices for dolphins and other marine animals trapped in captivity for entertainment.

Standing strong with Dolphin Freedom Fighters, Action for Dolphins, Animal Liberation QLD, Coast to Coast Animal Friends and dozens of demonstrators, the protest outside Sea World on the Gold Coast called on the company to stop breeding captive dolphins for profit.
Most of the 30+ dolphins at Sea World were born and bred in captivity. These intelligent, social animals are forced to perform the same unnatural tricks for paying visitors day in and day out – and dolphins can live for up to 50 years in captivity. This is no life for a wild animal.

Dolphins swim up to 100 km a day in the wild with their pods – but at Sea World, they are confined to small, chlorinated pools.

Sea World is the last venue in Australia to breed captive dolphins. That’s why we’re asking the Queensland Government to ban captive breeding and make this current generation of dolphins the last to suffer a lifetime of captivity.
With your continued support, we can ensure that no more of these beautiful animals endure a life in small pools instead of the sea, where they belong.

Join us to defend dolphins by signing the pledge and join us for the next dolphin defenders protest.

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