Announcing our new CEO, Steve McIvor
We’re delighted to announce that our new permanent CEO, Steve McIvor, has been appointed. Steve has extensive experience within both the animal welfare and corporate sectors, most recently as our acting CEO and Global Director of Programmes.
Prior to World Animal Protection, Steve was the Deputy Chief Executive of Compassion in World Farming, where he ran the organisation’s corporate engagement programme including the high profile Good Farm Animal Welfare Awards. He has also been a member of the Executive Board at The Body Shop International, and was Chief Executive of the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection.
Building on his existing World Animal Protection achievements
Steve’s tenure as acting CEO and Director of Programmes has already got to the heart of the big global issues facing animals, such as influencing over 100 tour operators to stop supporting cruel wildlife entertainment venues and overseeing a global partnership with Nestlé, who recently announced their commitment to use only cage-free eggs in all their U.S. products.
He has also worked with global leaders in public heath such as WHO and FAO on a joint initiative to eliminate rabies without culling dogs by 2030, and supported the organisation’s disaster response team to protect animals in natural disasters such as Ecuador, Thailand and Mongolia.
Steve McIvor has said: “I am extremely passionate about animal welfare, so am delighted to have been offered this position. I look forward to working with a strong global team to transform the lives of animals across the world.
“World Animal Protection has an extraordinary team of dedicated staff. My aim is to keep everyone inspired, motivated and proud of the work we all do, while we achieve our ambitious goals.”
We are extremely excited to welcome Steve into his new permanent role, and are very confident he will continue to lead the organisation to make positive, meaningful change for animals across the world.
My aim is to keep everyone inspired, motivated and proud of the organisation and the work we all do, while we achieve our ambitious goals.