Donate to protect animals
Give a gift that will bring positive change for millions of animals in desperate need. Every day, we rely on kind donations to fund our vital work.
Donate before June 30 and claim a tax deduction when submitting your tax return this financial year. All donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.
Thanks to our wonderful supporters, we’ve already changed the lives of millions of animals for the better. All over the world we’re bringing positive change to animals in the wild, in farming, in communities and caught up in disasters.
Together, we’ll create a world where animals matter and animal cruelty has ended.
Please call our friendly Supporter Care Team on 1300 139 772 (toll free) who are available to answer your calls 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday (Sydney Time)
Give a gift that will bring positive change for millions of animals in desperate need. Every day, we rely on kind donations to fund our vital work.
Your support is key to bringing an end to animal suffering across the world.
Take action today by signing our petitions and pledging to make animal-friendly choices.