Wild elephant

Supporter FAQs

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions.
Image credit: World Animal Protection / Aaron Gekoski

If you can't find the answer you are looking for, please contact our Supporter Care team:

You can also write to us at:

World Animal Protection
GPO Box 3294
Sydney, NSW 2001

About us

Is World Animal Protection affiliated with a political party?

As a global animal welfare organisation we work both locally and around the world to end animal suffering.


We lobby governments to create sustainable change for animals. World Animal Protection is not affiliated or aligned to any particular political party or government.

You were known as WSPA. Why did you change name?

We protect the world’s animals. We always have done, and we always will. But every day, in every country, millions of animals are suffering. And the more people who know about us, the more animals we can reach.


That’s why we need our name to evolve. That’s why we need a name that is clearer, more distinct and more memorable. That’s why we are now World Animal Protection. Read more here.

What is an Animal Protector?

When enough people like you, who care about animals and are willing to stand up for what’s right, come together, a better world for animals isn’t just possible – it's within reach. Animal Protectors’ regular gifts (monthly donations) fund vital research, help to expose cruelty, and confront those with the power to stop it.


Find out more about the movement dedicated to improving the lives of animals everywhere, forever.


Are donations to World Animal Protection tax deductible?

Yes, all donations of $2 and over are tax deductible. World Animal protection is a registered charity and an Item 1 Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR). 


If you would like to work out how much you may save, you can use our Tax Deduction Calculator.

Why are regular gifts (monthly donations) the most impactful way to change the lives of animals?

Small gifts over the long term make a big impact for the lives of animals. They provide security to deliver programs that move the world to protect animals. Monthly supporters give predictable funding that enables planning where it makes the biggest impact for animals. Find out more.

How can I change my regular donation monthly pledge amount?

Yes, you can change your donation amount by contacting our Supporter Care Team.

Can I put my monthly donations on hold, or skip a month of donations?

Yes, we can put your donations on a temporary skip donations up to 3 months. Please contact our Supporter Care Team to pause your donation.

How do I cancel my regular donation?

If you would like to cancel your donation, please contact our Supporter Care Team. Did you know you can also lower your donation amount or place your donation on a temporary hold? Talk to the team about an option that works best for you.


Please note that cancellations may take up to 7 days to action, and that further debit(s) may be incurred during this period.


If you have just signed up with a fundraiser on the street or in a shopping centre, your details may still be being processed by our fundraising agency. Please contact our Supporter Care Team to cancel your donation.

I have a monthly donation taken via PayPal, how do I cancel or amend this donation?

As PayPal is a user-controlled system, all amendments to your donation can only be processed by the PayPal account holder. World Animal Protection cannot make any cancellations or changes to PayPal gifts. Please access your PayPal account to process any changes.

How can I make a donation offline?
  • By phone: to make a credit card donation by phone, please call 1300 139 772 (8am to 5pm, Mon-Fri)
  • By mail: download our donation form and send with your cheque or credit card details to World animal Protection, GPO Box 3294, Sydney, NSW, 2001
How can I make a donation to World Animal Protection as a gift to a friend?

Simply visit worldanimalprotection.org.au/shop where you’ll find a variety of ways to give gifts to family and friends while protecting vulnerable animals around the world.

Can I deposit into your account at the bank or via EFT?

Yes, you can. You’ll need to include your name or supporter number in the description, then contact us with your name, address and donation amount so we can identify and receipt your gift.


If you’d like to give in this way, you can send your gift to the following account:


Account Name: World Animal Protection
BSB: 112-879
ACC: 120 650 489
Swift Code: SGBLAU2S

What is a CSC/CSV - or card security code?

The CSC is a 3 or 4 digit number that is not part of the credit card number. It's an additional security code that indicates the card is in your possession.


The number is usually printed on the back of Visa and MasterCard, or on the front of American Express.

How much of the money goes to help the animals?

In 2023, 79% of funds raised* in Australia went towards protecting animals through our campaigns and public awareness work, be it lobbying and advocacy or caring for rescued bears at our partner sanctuaries. The rest of funds went into essential administrative and fundraising costs. We always ensure your vital donation is making the biggest impact for animals and is helping achieve lasting change.

Expenditure in Australia 2023*These figures are taken from the Australia 2023 audited accounts


I donated money a little while ago and I still haven't received my receipt

If your donation was once-off, please get in touch with our Supporter Care team and we will send a receipt out to you right away. If you’re a monthly donor, you will receive an annual receipt for the tax year ending 30th June in July.

I have lost my receipt - can I get a duplicate?

Yes, we can issue duplicate receipts. Contact our Supporter Care team to have one sent to you.

I am contributing via Workplace Giving. Can you give me a receipt?

If you contribute through Workplace Giving from your pre-tax income, you have already received the tax deduction and don’t need your receipt for tax purposes.

Updating my details

How do I change my address?

Get in touch with our Supporter Care team and let us know your name, previous address and new address.

How do I advise you of my new credit card number or expiry date?

If you have a new credit card number or if you just need to update the expiry date on your card, please call us and we’ll update your payment details.

How can I be removed from your mailing list?

Get in touch with our Supporter Care team and they will remove you from our mailing list.

I’ve been contacted by a member of your fundraising team. How did they get my details?

We undertake direct marketing activities to find new donors to help support our work. You might have recently completed an online survey or signed a petition or pledge, expressing interest in the work we do. If you’d like to stop receiving marketing from us, please contact our Supporter Care team.

How do I make a complaint?

We’re sorry that you’re not happy with the service you’ve received. Supporter satisfaction is very important to World Animal Protection. Effectively managing complaints is a key component of building and managing trust with supporters, who’s dedication makes our work possible.


To make a complaint please contact us on protect@worldanimalprotection.org.au or call our dedicated Supporter Care team on 1300 139 772.

World Animal Gifts - eCards

How do World Animal Protection gifts work?

It’s easy! Choose from our selection of eCards, enter your loved one’s details, a short message and pay for your gift.


You will then receive an email to view your eCard and decide which date you want it to go out to your loved one. Don’t forget to check your junk mail if you can’t see that email. Choose the date to send your eCard and it’s all done. You have chosen a caring gift that keeps on giving!

Is my gift tax deductible?

YES! Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible in Australia 😊

What payment methods do you accept?

We make it as easy as possible for you. We accept all credit cards, Paypal and Google Pay.

How quickly will my recipient get their eCard?

It’s all up to you. You can choose to send your e-card immediately, or the next day or the next month! Once you have paid for your eCard, you will receive a scheduling email. Click on the link and select the date you want the eCard to go out.


Watch out for your scheduling email. If you don’t see it, don’t forget to check your junk mail!

My loved one did not receive their eCard. What do I do?

Your eCard arrives by email. If it hasn’t been received, please check with the recipient that it isn’t in their junk mail. It’s likely to be waiting for them in there.

Where does the money go?

Over the past 50 years, World Animal Protection supporters have helped us end the needless suffering of animals around the world. We work around the globe to influence decision makers to put animals on the global agenda and to help the world see how important animals are to all of us.


Every gift you give through World Animal Gifts is a contribution which will help the program you have selected as well as our other animal welfare programs around the world. Your donation will be used where it is needed the most as we strive to create a world where animal welfare matters and animal cruelty has ended. The animals are grateful for every bit of generosity.

How much of the money goes to help the animals?

In 2023, 79% of funds raised* in Australia went towards protecting animals through our campaigns and public awareness work, be it lobbying and advocacy or caring for rescued bears at our partner sanctuaries. The rest of funds went into essential administrative and fundraising costs. We always ensure your vital donation is making the biggest impact for animals and is helping achieve lasting change.

Expenditure in Australia 2023*These figures are taken from the Australia 2023 audited accounts


Where does the money go?

Once merchandise is printed and shipped, the profit from the sale comes to World Animal Protection and is used to help animals where the need is greatest.


Our mission is to move the world to protect animals, not develop more merchandise product lines. We do offer jumpers, tshirts, bags etc so supporters can bring awareness to the suffering of animals but we use a platform that allows print on demand so there is no cost to our organisation.

How much of the money goes to help the animals?

In 2023, 79% of funds raised* in Australia went towards protecting animals through our campaigns and public awareness work, be it lobbying and advocacy or caring for rescued bears at our partner sanctuaries. The rest of funds went into essential administrative and fundraising costs. We always ensure your vital donation is making the biggest impact for animals and is helping achieve lasting change.

Expenditure in Australia 2023*These figures are taken from the Australia 2023 audited accounts

We need your support

When animal safety and welfare are at stake, we pour our hearts and resources into helping. And we couldn’t do it without your support. Please donate today.