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Ben Pearson, Country Director

A heartfelt ‘Thank You’ from Ben, Country Director

A heartfelt ‘Thank You’ from Ben, Country Director

You’ve gone above and beyond to protect animals in Australia and around the world this year. Thank you for your warm-hearted support.

Here's a special message from Ben, who'd like to share some stories of the many animals you helped in 2024:

From helping to secure a significant win for Aussie sheep who suffered for years on cruel live export death ships, to helping feed and care for hundreds of previously exploited animals around the world – you've done it all and more.

I hope you know your support is the cornerstone of World Animal Protection, and every single one of these animals is living better, happier lives because of you.

Thank you for your unwavering commitment towards giving every animal a life worth living.

Young jaguar Celeste nestles in fresh grass at Las Pumas sanctuary

Your Achievements for Animals

Take a look at everything you have done to move the world for animals in the past year.