Call on KFC Australia to give chickens better lives
Call on KFC to sign the Better Chicken Commitment and put a stop to the cruelty chickens experience.
Call on KFC to sign the Better Chicken Commitment and put a stop to the cruelty chickens experience.
Pledge to not purchase, wear or promote any wild animal skins, feathers, or wild animal fur products.
Be a strong voice for elephants, monkeys and dolphins who endure unimaginable suffering in captivity, while Webjet makes a profit.
We help the world see how important animals are to all of us
Join us and together, we move the world to protect animals.
At least 1.6 trillion wild animals are exploited as commodities and suffer through people’s actions every year.
More than 80 billion land-based farm animals are eaten every year. Most are cruelly confined to industrial, low-welfare food systems.
Every day billions of animals experience unbearable suffering. At World Animal Protection we move the world to protect animals because the life of every animal counts.
Take action today by signing our petitions and pledging to make animal-friendly choices.
Give a gift that will bring positive change for millions of animals in desperate need. Every day, we rely on kind donations to fund our vital work.
Xamã, the jaguar cub you helped rescue from manmade fires in Brazil has now been successfully reintroduced into...
Little Unyil is thriving in his sanctuary home, after you helped rescue him from the cruel dancing monkey...
Here is a list of useful contacts and flood support services to help you help pets, wildlife and...
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